Wednesday, April 17, 2013


Hey viewers of ChiTi Beauty blog im the new assistant/stylist Yaasi.  Today is all about helping your lace wig  from looking all wrong.! RULE #1: confidence... our slogan is enhance your beauty with chitibeauty you need to feel like you that chick ! yes this is mines, i grew this, and watch me work. People believe the believable it takes a bold women to wear a unit lashes or even makeup because everyone  know its not '' NATURAL'' so confidence is KEY. RULE #2: Treat that lacewing like you would  your daughter,  i know you thinking what why a child ? because you going to make sure everyday you nurture it you groom it you polish it. So when  people see you walk down the street with her  they complement how pretty she is .! Rule #3: I know i done sold the dream its yours, which it is but ladies DON'T get carried away it is still a unit so yes brush and style by all means but don't be going all wild combing from the scalp having your lace  lifting or tugging hard on the lace causing it to split or tear.Then end up doing the barbie pin method as in pushing barbie pins all around your lace which isn't cute. Rule #4 Last but not least no one and i mean no one should know that you have on a unit but you and than unit ! one again people believe  the believable so make it work don't make it worst .!Tips &/ Tricks : for your lace wig WASHING &/ DRYING: for washing use a product made for wigs or one highly recommended for the particular lace you have. for better outcome always let it air dry not blow dry 
STYLING: Less heat is always better if its a unit or even natural because the iron will dry out or cause a damage fry to the hair which we don't want. So i suggest investing into flexi rods,rollers,or pin curling if your often style. Yes you can use heat from time to time but not frequently.BONDING: Sometimes glue works for people sometimes tape, resistant bands or clips but if it does'nt work for you which chiti has come across do all 4 .! as in sew wig clips to your unit if they don't already have any. add a elastic band around lace for more of a grip. Place tape across hair line along with glue apply lace tie a scarf and call it day by morning your lace has over stayed its welcome and wont go nowhere. :) 

Saturday, January 26, 2013

ChitiBeauty Medium Valentine's Day Sets

ChitiBeauty Vinest Deluxe Sets

ChitiBeauty Deluxe Valentine's Day Set

Valentine's Day 2013 @ ChitiBeauty

Valentines Day is just around the corner and it's an occasion where we give gifts to others to show our affection and my affection to you all; my loyal costumers is ten percent off your entire purchase and free shipping on all deluxe bath baskets. We will personally deliver order within the Manhattan and Brooklyn boros only (sorry). This special offer begins Febuary 1st - 13th only and on those days the store will be opened until 8:30 pm.
This is the season of love and affection so why not show your body and significant other your appreciation by giving them the gift of organic beauty products? So why delay, order your bath baskets today and remember, ChiTi Beauty's the name.

*Deliveries are by car but only within the Brooklyn and Manhattan boros.

Hi My name is Sadeja aka Mona. Im Chiti's Beauty New Assistant...
Now Today I want to talk to you about the Products that I'm Representing which is 1-Body Oils 2- Body Lotions 3-Hairs healthy products 4-Aroma therapy candles and oils and Hand Made Wigs...
Now with the body products and the Aroma Therapy candles and oils are all Natural. When I say Natural I mean fruits extracts, essential oils, kokum butters, mango butters and etc... This is just a short blog memo just to let the people know that CHITI'S BEAUTY BLOG IS BACK IN BUSINESS so if you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact Us....

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Valentine's Day 2012 @ ChiTi Beauty

Valentines Day is just around the corner and it's an occasion where we give gifts to others to show our affection and my affection to you all; my loyal costumers is ten percent off your entire purchase and free shipping on all deluxe bath baskets. We will personally deliver order within the Manhattan and Brooklyn boros only (sorry). This special offer begins Febuary 1st - 13th only and on those days the store will be opened until 8:30 pm.
This is the season of love and affection so why nt show your body and significant other your appreciation by giving them the gift of organic beauty products? So why delay, order your bath baskets today and remember, ChiTi Beauty's the name.

*Deliveries are by car but only within the Brooklyn and Manhattan boros.